Teos International Fishing Tournament 2016

Whilst fishing in the Alaçatı International Fishing Tournament since many years, most of us had the

irresistible desire to twist our tillers and endeavor in the Sığacık depths. For this 10 th year of the

Alaçatı Tournament, we decided to realize those desires and take a new course by fishing these

different waters.

This year the first “Teos International Fishing Tournament” will be held in waters until now unfished

and unmapped by any tournament. These new boundaries will include both offshore as well as

coastal waters as close as 2 nm from shore, and we are sure that it will arouse very different


We are much aware that we have been late in informing you about it and that you are on a very

short notice. But although previously planned for the month of November, the newly issued 4/2

Recreational Fishing Regulations banning Bluefin Tuna Fishing as of October 15 th obliged us to make a

sharp U-Turn and anticipate the event to the more appropriate date of September 22 nd – 25 th .

Taking into consideration the Classic AIFT going into effect in Alaçatı, October 6 th – 9 th , we arranged

for free berthing in Teos Marina for all participating boats, after the tournament and until October

5 th . Considering such extended permanence, water and electricity consumptions are excluded from

the deal, and will be charged to each boat by Teos Marina, according its consumption.

We are opening the Tournament Registrations as of Today, therefore pls. visit our website at

www.fishingteos.com and duly fulfill your registrations.